My inventions. With the correspondence between Nikola Tesla and Hugo Gernsback - Nikola Tesla, Hugo Gernsback

My inventions. With the correspondence between Nikola Tesla and Hugo Gernsback - Nikola Tesla, Hugo Gernsback
Oblast: Nauka
Artikal: 26769 : Tezina: 0.52 kg
Zalihe: 0 u zalihama
Autor: Nikola Tesla
Opis: Beograd 2006, meki povez, stanje odlično, str. 180, engleski


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This edition of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade also includes the entire introduction written by Hugo Gernsback and published in the Electrical Experimenter in January 1919. This edition of My Inventions also contains all other Gernsback's introductions that accompanied the individual installments of Tesla's autobiography, as well as a separate and substantial supplemental - the correspondence between Tesla and his publisher.

The work that represents the most reliable testimony about numerous, important, and often crucial details from the life and work of one of the greatest inventive and scientific minds in the whole history of mankind, translated into various languages, published and quoted more than any other work about Nikola Tesla, is the one that he wrote himself, and to which he gave an unusual, and at the same time very simple title - My Inventions.

Although My Inventions were, since they were first printed, also published as a book, and are often perceived by readers as a comprehensive autobiography, people well acquainted with Tesla's life and work know that these are, in fact, articles published as a serial in 1919, in the well-known and at the time very popular magazine Electrical Experimenter. Regrettably, Tesla never finished writing the story of his life due to the deterioration of his relationship with his publisher and great admirer, the Editor-in-Chief Hugo Gernsback.

Hugo Gernsbek (Hugo Gernsback 1884-1967) rođen je kao Hugo Gernsbacher u Luksembrugu, a proslavio se kao američki pisac, izumitelj, urednik i izdavač. Pored Žila Verna i Hebrerta DŽordža Velsa smatra se jednim od začetnika naučne fantastike kao posebnog književnog žanra, kojem je Gernsbek doprineo pre svega kroz svoju izdavačku delatnost. Hugo Gernsbek odigrao je veoma važnu ulogu za Teslina dostignuća i sveukupan rad. On je zaslužan što je Nikola Tesla ostavio za sobom svoje autobiografsko delo „Moji izumi“ iz kojeg možemo da saznamo brojne detalje o mnogim ključnim trenucima u naučnikovom životu. Naime, Gernsbek je krajem 1918. godine zamolio Teslu da kroz seriju članaka u njegovom časopisu „Elektrikal eksperimenter“ napiše svojevrsnu životnu priču i približi svoje izume široj publici. Smatra se da je ceo autobiografski ciklus zapravo ostao nedovršen, jer sam kraj serijala nigde nije nagovešten.